Explora Commodore 2 #Commodore Plus


Another year and satisfied with the work done, it could be a brief summary of the second adventure that people from RetroscrollGameMuseumPixelsmansion, Club SpriteCBM4Ever, Commodore Manía and Commodore Plus. We again organized to meet and have fun with all the like-minded people to retrocomputing in general and especially with the Commodore brand.

The event, as stated schedule, opened its doors to the public at 11 on a rainy day and went smoothly and the times indicated in the manner planned until 20:00. Many people and a non-stop makes these meetings last a breath and enjoy it as nothing else after so many months to prepare everything.

Please ENTER !
The Kill Bits podcast with a cast of old acquaintances ;D
We could not miss Sir Arthur and his Commodore talk.
Igor Errazking dominating the world (and the makers)

Kopsec showing us how a cheap TAPUINO can be easily made.
Isaac Viana, from GameXploitation, showing us youtube tricks.

The different planned lectures and gatherings were very pleasant and knew how to catch people. Sir Arthur, from Constelación Commodore, was the first to take the microphone in the morning. He did a little review of the history of Commodore and discussed the present, the paths to where the Commodore people go today and the future. Igor Errazking introduced us to the world of Makers and presented the page where, thanks to the great work of Josepzin, are summarized most of these utilities with its downloads and history. Kopsec not failed again and showed us how, and in an easy way, we can set up our own TAPUINO for a very small fee. Then we had the musical session by 303bcn with Neuroflip and without aOrante, who could not come. Isaac Viana, representing GameXploitation, presented his talk: So you want to make a retro Youtube channel? and he promoted his book Youtube for beginners. Renner from Killbits ended with a live podcast with users of different systems (Javi Ortiz, Sir Arthur, Molsupo and Sikus) on the fore explaining adventures and misadventures with the Commodore systems.

Commodore Plus & Commodore Manía
Amongst the group of Commodore Mania, Rulas International was with us and presented the almost final version of its new game, KABURA, with which he has spent the last year working exclusively and we could play and test it right there. This production, which gives a quantum leap over Xain, is the work of many hours and a great step that, hopefully, awakes finally the Spanish scene.

Our stand and Enrique García, on the right side, with his A4.
The repair zone and hardware shop, with Kopsec.
¿What do you need for your Commodore?
Travelling through time.


The Reloaded64, courtesy by the people from Amigastore.
CBM4Ever always prepared and giving 16 bit power to the exhibition.
Pako Rock and his Raspi64
Jesús (CBM4Ever) and Neuroflip (303bcn) sharing knowledge.

The exhibitors of this edition were mostly the same as last year. CBM4Ever brought its always fantastic assortment of computers of all ranges and representing the AUIC that could not come this year and he brought and exposed material from Amiga.pl.net. Beside him was Amigatronics, who brought a CDTV. OtroblogsobreelC64 was also there, with Pako Rock showing us his Raspi64, an updated breadbox with all kinds of improvements. Beside, Tentáculo Púrpura, Killbits podcast and Constelación Commodore ( Sir Arthur penalized since it would be more time on stage than on the ground ;D ). Matra brought equipment for sale, with books, tapes and cards of various systems and T-UFO. Then GameXploitation and El Mundo del Spectrum with unerring Javi y Antonio Ortiz. Alma de Origami also repeated like last year with a more varied and colorful stand than on the previous occasion.

Retroscroll, Gamemuseum and Pixelsmansiowere together and had assembled a string of c64 and Amigas with all types of games that anyone could come and play, besides organizing competitions and updating the tables with the results. In addition they also were those who were in charge of all technical work, electricity, audio, video and what would be necessary. Among them was the official store where buttons and posters of the fair were at very reasonable prices, sold to help to cover the costs that an event of this type always causes ( In spanish AUTOGESTIÓN ).

Commodore Manía and Commodore Plus had the same space as last year. At our booth we had Kopsec and Dany, handling everything what hardware is concerned, giving advice and checking any equipment that people brought. Igor Errazking showed progress in his works and, in addition, the Makers new web page, and how easily you can make a game with the tools that he introduced us in his talk.

Kabura and other games made by Rulas International

Rulas International also accompanied us and presented Kabura. He was active, talking and contrasting programming opinions to like-minded people to the subject.. Maniako also did not stop, helping, checking and also bringing a lot of material to expose and facilitating the work of the group. Enrique García also joined us and presented the latest version of its A4 stick, an all-in-one and a dream for any AMIGA player . Computer exposure was similar to that of last year and different parts were added by Maniako and a Reloaded64who lend us Juan Manchón of Amigastore.









The Trivial game, presented by Renner from Kill Bits. 
The Barbarian and Speedball competitions winners .
The event, for the organization, was successful in all respects. People responded very well, the schedule of presentations and competitions were fulfilled perfectly and everyone was satisfied with the given results. The influx of people was similar to last year, with quieter moments and others with a quite crowded room. Commodore own exhibitors were also increasing and the intention of this meeting, was that is what we had always looked for. It must be one by users for users and for the sole purpose of spending a nice day together.
Now we have to wait until next year, knowing that this issue can be improved and making the third even better.

¡¡¡¡¡ Follow the advice !!!!! (Image by Sikus & Errazking)

You can go to the official website of the event, for more photos and info, in THIS link


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